I believe there is an advantage of changing seasons to tune into our natural intuition and to take some time to reflect on things. 

Myslim si, ze zmena rocnych obdobi nam ponuka velku moznost spomalit, zamysliet sa nad vecami, a napojit sa na nasu prirodzenu intuiciu

            Lately, I’ve been feeling little “under the weather” and been blaming myself for that. It eventually brought anxiety and then even more anxiety from having anxiety.  That obviously led everywhere but to a clear and peaceful mind. Since I moved country 1,5 year ago I’ve been experiencing these periods where I feel sad, sentimental, antisocial and homesick for no particular reason. Might be just a lack of sunshine and vitamin D but I didn’t use to be this way. 

V poslednej dobe som sa necitila moc sama sebou a tak trochu sa za to zacala obvinovat. To vyustilo v uzkost a z toho este viac uzkosti a to teda zrovna neviedlo k cistej mysli a vyrovnanosti. Odkedy som sa pred rokom a pol prestahovala,tak sa mi zacalo stavat, ze mavam obdobia kedy sa citim smutna, sentimentalna, antisocialna a dost casto mi chyba domov, a vsetko toto sa deje uplne odrazu bez nejakych velkych podnetov alebo dovodov na hore spomenute pocity. Mozno je to sposobene nedostatkom slniecka a vitaminu D ale urcite viem,ze som taketo stavy predtym nemavala. 

So i started to be more interested in topics such as what it means and how important it is to have valuable time alone, how to relax and unwind and I came across so much amazing material from books, articles and videos and it got me eventually change my perspective. Maybe it’s okay to feel like shit sometimes. Maybe it’s natural. It’s like Yin and Yang. Yin is slow, dark and reflective whereas Yang is fast, bright, energetic. But the thing is, you can never have one without the other. If there wouldn’t be for this falling and raising energy in life there would be no balance. 

To ma viedlo viac sa zaujimat o temy ako travit kvalitny cas sama so sebou a ako nesmierne dolezite to vlastne je, ako viac relaxovat a uvolnit sa a dostalo sa mi pod ruky zopar velmi dobrych knih, clankov ci videii a tak mi tieto moje materialy postupne zmenili perspektivu. Mozno je ok citit sa nahovno. Mozno je to uplne normalne. Je to ako Yin a Yang. Yin je pomaly, tmavy, reflektujuci a Yang je naopak rychly, ziarivy, plny energie. Avsak, nikdy nemozeme mat jedno bez toho druheho. Keby neexistovali tieto dve protikladne energie, vo svete by neexistovala rovnovaha. 

Western society promotes the idea that people should be always busy, always socialising, being active and looking out for others. But this after all goes against the wisdom of nature and the seasons are the proof. Don’t get me wrong, it is completely okay to be active, outgoing and productive, but it is helpful to be quiet and still sometimes and that shouldn’t be seen as something weird or bad.

Zapadna spolocnost sa nam snazi vnuknut ideu, ze by sme mali byt neustale zaneprazdneni, socializovat sa, byt aktivni, vyhladavat ostatnych. Ale to by sme predsa isli uplne proti prirode, a napriklad take rocne obdobia su nam toho dokazom. Neberte to v zlom,nie je nic zle na tom byt stale aktivny, spolocensky a produktivny avsak obcas je velmi prospesne byt pokojny a tichy a to by nemalo byt chapane ako nieco cudne alebo zle.

We like to label things though and we may see human’s emotions and feelings as good or bad. But as long as we are alive they will still be part of ourselves and believe it or not they are nor good or bad, they just are. They are natural responses and consequences of everyday life. 

My ludia radi veci nalepkujeme a casto sa stava ze vidime ludske emocie a pocity ako zle a dobre. Ale dokym budeme nazive, emocie a pocity budu stale nasou sucastou a verte tomu alebo nie, nie su ani dobre ani zle, proste su. Su to prirodzene reakcie a nasledky nasho kazdodenneho zivota. 

So rather than blaming ourselves for our feelings and emotions, and resisting the fact you don’t always have to be all cheerful and in the mood for a party let’s accept them for what they are and try to reflect on things. Try to find what it is that brought these feels. It may be something really stupid like a weather forecast but it can be that you are tired whether it be physically or mentally or maybe you realise you just need time on your own to recharge the batteries.

Takze, radsej ako sa obvinovat za to co, alebo ako sa citime a odmietat fakt ze nemusime byt neustale plny energie a v nalade na party by sme mali jednoducho prijat nase emocie take ake su a porozmyslat, reflektovat nad tym co tieto emocie alebo pocity sposobilo. Mozno je to uplna malicherost ako predpoved pocasia, alebo to moze byt unava ci uz fyzicka alebo psychicka, alebo si mozno iba uvedomite ze potrebujete nejaky cas sami so sebou na dobitie bateriek.

One thing that really helps me is to go on a walk to the park, forest or beach, anything away from the city rush that’s close. Nature is such a magical remedy in so many aspects and I find that it helps me to harmonise with it, find my own natural body rhythm and connect with my surroundings more. But maybe you already know what you need - don’t underestimate your intuition! It is the most powerful form of body knowledge that everyone have. Call it inner voice or instinct but you may know what is best for you in each and every moment or situation,  all it takes is just to listen. 

Vec ktora mi velmi pomaha je chodit na prechadzky do parku, lesa, na plaz, cokolvek co je blizko mna a daleko od ruchu mesta. Nasa priroda je tak uzasny liecitel a mne osobne to velmi pomaha viac sa s nou zharmonizovat , ale aj so svojim okolim, najst svoj vlastny rytmus. Mozno uz i tak viete co potrebujete - nikdy nepodcenujte silu intuicie! Je to ta najsilnejsia forma telesnych poznatkov, ktorou disponuje kazdy z nas. Volajte to ako chcete, vnutorny hlas alebo instinkt, ale mozno uz davno viete co je najlepsie v kazdom momente alebo situacii, staci sa len zapocuvat.   

Anyways, just wanted to remind everyone, including myself, that we shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves and allow our emotions to flow naturally, embrace them, take them for what they are because life is not a straight path and that’s the way it is supposed to be. I’m endlessly grateful for all the blessings I get to have and experience in my life, not to mention those amazing souls I can call my friends and family and I’m so happy when thinking about this. But there will always be yin in yang and the other way around too. And guess what? It is 100% okay.

Kazdopadne, tymto clankom som chcela iba pripomut sebe aj druhym, ze by sme nemali byt na seba taki prisni a mali by sme dovolit nasim emociam plynut prirodzene a brat ich take ake su pretoze zivot nie je rovna cesta a tak to ma byt. Som nesmierne vdacna za vsetko co mam a co zazivam vo svojom zivote, nehovoriac o tom ako vdacna som za vsetky tie uzasne duse ktore moze volat priatelia a rodina a uz len pomyslenim na to sa mi zaplna srdce stastnim. Avsak, vzdy bude kusok yin v yang a naopak. A hadajte co? Je to 100% v poriadku. 

Sending love, Michaela

Photography: Alexander Hagge


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