Are we too caught up in the constant scrolling and clicking and uploading game? Few days ago i read an article about how little thought we give to our posts on social media and how very overwhelmed, sometimes anxious but always restless we feel about posting. Apparently, there is a research that shows that every swipe and like fills our brain with dopamine, which is the same effect as addictive substances would have, such as cocain. Excitement goes through the veins and when this slowly disappears, we want another fix. It's hard to find balance in this digital era. Everything is turning into online form whether that be businesses, shops or supermarkets. Social media strategies are prompting us to unmindfully follow and like to interact with other followers.
And as much as it can have its perks , it can have a bad effect on us too. Have you ever not posted something just because it looked stupid or not good enough compared to other people's post bragging about their holiday pictures, or their perfect bodies, hair and make up but in real life, it could have been something of a big value to you? The thing is, everybody is seeking perfect as seen on so many platforms, and what drives me crazy is how people can not appreciate little things anymore. Our perception of beauty has changed and we often forget to live in the moment and see the beauty around us.
Here are some of my tips that i am trying to implement into my life to help me stay balanced:
- Putting my phone and laptop aside at least 1 hour before i go to bed
- Not scrolling through instagram first thing in the morning
- Calling somebody rather than texting them
- When going on a walks on days off, leaving my phone at thome
- Turning off my notifications
- Setting a time in a day when i want to post and dedicate certain amount of time for it
- Being mindfully aware of what i want to say with the post/ picture
- Trying to set a limit for the time spent on social media per day
So everyone, stay balanced and be grateful for all the little things life offers you everyday!
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